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The mold crate contains a directory with several examples that guide the user in using mold, from the very basic examples to the most complex ones through the main features of mold (see Installation for more information on how to get mold).

This document contains a set of practical examples, also included in the crate.

Advent of Code🔗

Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like.

Imagine that you want to participate in "AoC" and want to solve the puzzles using the Ada programming language, using Alire and each one a separate directory; lets say, aoc/01, aoc/02 \(\ldots\) aoc/25.

Each day, you create the aoc/DD directory to work on the puzzles. You have three options:

  1. enter the aoc/DD directory and start from scratch

  2. copy a basic example project you have in aoc/00 to the aoc/DD directory and manually change some data (Alire project name, day, etc)

  3. change the day in a definitions file and use mold command to generate the aoc/DD directory with everything you need

Let's concentrate in the last option ..

Definitions file🔗

Start by creating a definitions file like this one, using your real data:

Day = "1"
Year = "2024"

Author = "Name Surname"
Email = ""
Github_Username = "username"
Github_Repository = "advent_of_code-{{Year}}"
Address = "{{Author}} <{{Email}}>"
ZDay = "{{Day/pl02}}"
License = "MIT"

Each you'l have to increment the variable Day.

Template directory🔗

Next, create the directory aoc/00 with the files you need. The command

$ mold aoc.toml 00 01

creates the directory aoc/01 with all mold files with variables replaces and, for some of them, filenames renamed during variable substitution.

The following diagram shows the directory aoc/00 and the first day generated with mold in aoc/01:

    ├── 00
    |   ├── alire.toml.mold
    |   ├── aoc___Year_____ZDay__.gpr.mold
    |   ├── input.txt.mold
    |   ├──
    |   └── src
    |       ├── part_1.adb.mold
    |       └── part_2.adb.mold
    └── 01
        ├── alire.toml
        ├── aoc_2024_01.gpr
        ├── input.txt
        └── src
            ├── part_1.adb
            └── part_2.adb

For more information,

  • about this example: please visit mold/examples or get the mold crate.
  • results obtained in a real repository: see some examples in the AoC 2023